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What happens after the assessment?
The final section of your CHAT report will contain suggested next steps for you and your leadership team in assimilating
what the findings of your CHAT and charting a course for the future.
If you decide you'd like additional guidance, you can enlist the help of one of our Church Health Coaches to work with
you and your team via a teleconference package.
"The CHAT survey really stands out. I like how CHAT identifies your church's strengths, involves every member, is easy to take online, and offers
highly-readable results. What a great tool to assess where you are, fill people with hope, and together discern God's will for your future."
Kevin Miller, Executive VP,
Christianity Today International, IL
The CHAT Survey
CHAT is a church survey designed by church leaders--for church leaders. It is a convenient, affordable, user-friendly
online process that allows you to get accurate, anonymous feedback from your congregation in as little as 30 days.
The CHAT instrument is based on the research and content from the Baker Bestseller, Becoming a Healthy Church.
CHAT assimilates your data and provides you with a comprehensive,
easy-to-understand report delivered right to your email inbox. The report
is designed to help you frame your strategic decision making for increased
effectiveness. Best of all, you aren't required to hire an
expensive consultant to walk you through the process - you are in the
driver's seat! You can even track your progress from start to finish via
our Pastor's ConsoleSM.
The assessment is web-based so participants can take the survey from the convenience of home or office in a 20-25 minute
timeframe (paper option also available). Responses of the congregation and leadership team are tracked separately
for comparison in the final report. Identities of the respondents are kept confidential, though you will be provided
with demographics of the participants such as age, gender, marital status, and years attending your church.
Here are the key features of CHAT:
- 72 questions unpacking the cross-denominational principles from Becoming a Healthy Church (Stephen A. Macchia, Baker Books, 2005).
- Seamlessly integrate 10 custom questions unique to your church setting.
- Participation in the online survey takes an average of 20-25 minutes per person.
- Responses are kept strictly anonymous. No names are connected with responses given.
- Responses of congregation and leadership team are tracked separately for comparison to one another in the final report.
- All online. Survey can be taken by each individual from the convenience of their home or office computer.
- Paper version of survey is available for those without Internet access. Once you've signed up, you can login to your Pastor's ConsoleSM where a paper version of the assessment can be printed, distributed, and then keyed in on behalf of the participant for automated tabulation with the other church data.
Our goal is to empower you and your church to be in the driver's
seat for this whole process. We've built the vehicle and
we're handing you the keys. Of course, If you're interested in some additional
from a qualified
Church Health Coach once you've completed the process, we're
happy to assist. However, our intention is to make the process
easy for you to manage yourself and give you an easy-to-read report -
doesn't require a translator--and
a clear action plan for you and your team to carry out based
on your findings.
In 30 days or less, you can have a snapshot of your church's health and have the data in hand to make some key
decisions for the future of your ministry together.
Money Back Guarantee: If you're not absolutely satisfied with the process, we'll refund your money. Begin your
church-wide listening exercise today!
How much does it cost?